Oh, how I love the celebrities. Bijou Phillips in all her great wisdom has denounced depression sufferers who turn to antidepressants as "fucking pansies". What next Bijou? Are people who take chemotherapy for cancer goddamned wussies? Epileptics on Dilantin are motherfucking crybabies? What's that Bijou? They should try the L. Ron Hubbard cure? It's all in their heads? Body Thetans is it? You might want to go to Sense About Science where actual scientists offer well-meaning celebutards a lovely pamphlet chock full of advice on what comprises real science before they spew their woo to a gullible public eager to lap up the pseudoscientific quackery put forth by the likes of Oprah, Jenny McCarthy and Madonna.
I have worked with a lot of celebrities and wanna be's as a tv, radio writer, and most have one thing in common -- they are complete idiots. They fill themselves with new personalities so easily that they forget they were ever human... especially the scamatonologists. Keep up the good work.
She's not a Scilon, but Jenny McCarthy is the next 'Tard-o-the-Month™ . . .
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